Life Elettronica, partner of Operatech specialized in custom electronic boards, enstrenght its machinery with new technology for welding.

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The training event “Negotiorum Fucina” organized by ADACI has been a very important moment for Operatech's interaction and promotion. Special Guests ospiti, Mr. Bauli and the Olympic champion Niccolò Campriani.

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Operatech participates actively to the event promoted by Adaci association which is at its 4° edition, the event called “NEGOTIORUM FUCINA” will take place in Verona on next June 17/18.

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On last May 4th took place the event promoted by Adaci association together with CRIT and Bologna Business School aimed to raise innovative solutions, new relations and common projects between the companies participating.

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For the sake of the good functioning of a company’s network it is necessary a professional figure called: Network Manager. The duties of the Network Manager are not only that of a pure co-ordination of companies, and it’s all but easy, but mostly consist of promoting the network on the market sometimes acting as a buyer and in other cases proposing as a salesman. Operatech has chosen as Network Manager Mr. Marco Venturi, let’s know him better

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Starting January 2016 two more companies joined officially OPERATECH increasing the value, experience and skills of the Group of companies from Emilia Romagna lands. PTL represents one of them. A company which is born and has developed in the plain territory of Emilia, specifically in Mirandola; since the very beginning its primary job is the processing of stainless steel and iron; research and investments let the company to constantly develop and increase during its experience started 40 years ago.

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Starting form November 2015 two new companies joined the network project of OPERATECH- advanced solution network-. PTL srl - a long experienced firm skilled in iron and steel processing- and STEFAL srl- top-of-range company manufacturing industrial cables.

Let's welcome our new partners!!.


What companies are nowadays more and more facing is the constant need of the market to produce in very fast times together the saving costs demand coming from customers beside may more aspects. The need to manufacture complex parts, keeping near to zero the manufacturing scraps; supplying a highly performing prototype able to be compared to the production series; and more deeply giving voice and improving customer’s projects having the chance to look at a real 3d finished prototype, are the new frontiers to be competitive in the time to market.

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